Sunday, 26 August 2012

Entry 11: Aunt Beast

We landed somewhere. In the galaxy. Argh. My brain is frozen. Why can't I. Move? I'm very. Much alive. What's happening?

Where's Charles? Why is Father so useless? He left Charles on Camazotz! He's supposed to help! And I thought all my troubles would be over after we rescued Father. What are we going to do now? We'll never see the twins or Mother again!

Suddenly we saw some strange beings appraoching us. What were they? On Uriel, there were centaurs with wings, and on Camazotz...well, at least there were people.
They were as dull and grey as the planet they inhabited, had four arms each equipped with five tentacles. They also towered above us, even Father, and lacked eyes, replaced with soft indentations. What were these monsters?

But as the saying goes, "Do not judge a book by its cover."

Soon we established a relationship with them. We learnt that they were from Ixchel. These beasts were caring and compassionate, and one of them took care of me. She was Aunt Beast.

Interestingly, they do not know about light and darkness. However, they understand more things than us humans, even when we can see but they can't. They do not understand what to see means. The beast said that our sight was limited, and it told me that the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

She kept telling us that she does not really understand us and said that we were very complicated. I guess that's what happens when we communicate with organisms form other planets.

How confusing all this is.

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